
Are Gaming Laptops Good For Coding

Gaming laptops bag much crazy and cream specs than what you actually need for programming. They carry the programmers-fit knee-jerk type of full-size keyboards as well. And that's why it is a no-brainer to riposte a big and confident YES to the question "are gaming laptops good for programming?".

Programming, no doubt, shows up sort of a horrifying thing. And it is, to be honest. Because there are some unending tries and trials at putting up several numerals and alphabets together to get something, we call it a program, at the end.

But, to tell you the truth, all these things never demand a couple of truly gaming-class hardware and software. All you need to be watchful of in a laptop, while getting it for programming, etc., is its memory – the RAM.

Because every single task you do here is mostly and majorly RAM-hungry.  And, this whole programming thing becomes a lot of fun when it is glib and going fluent.

Anyways, let's get down and explore all these things in a bit extra detail.

What Laptop Configurations Are Required for the Likes of Programming Works, Etc.?

For all sorts of programming terms and run-ins like:

  • Extensive compiler collections and compiler environments.
  • All those plenty of programming languages like Java, JavaScript, C++, Python, etc., and bulky data science libraries like SciPy, TensorFlow, etc.
  • All of your whole and heavy caboodles of docker containers (no matter how much of them are open and running at once).
  • And, finally, for all sorts of the development apps and tools you play with i.e. PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, etc.

And, I know, it's much more than that. But, for all these and countless other such tasks, here's what laptop configuration is needed.


Well, truthfully, there is no such exact thing as a rule of thumb. For very beginner-level programming, you can even be happy with an older generation core i3 processor.

But, we know that all the demands and requirements keep changing in parity with your skill's level and advancement

So, for standard programmers, a 7th or 8th generation i7 processor (better if latest generation) can absolutely be more than enough.

All these programming things, without doubt, ask for a decent vigor in your system. And because you will also be using your computer for other things, maybe all at once, you'd be just happy and satisfied with this processing verve.


As said earlier, what you usually do here i.e. all this programming is, in fact, equally hungry and intensive in terms of RAM as is it for CPU. And, this is what you would mostly and majorly need to look for in the laptop you are going to get.

So, no doubt for basic-level things you'd be even good with 8GB or perhaps a 4GB RAM too. But for pro-level work, you'd need some 12GB of RAM (much better if 16GB).

Although at times, 8GB RAM can also be a good option, still to be all right with all the things, a 12GB or 16GB of RAM is ideal.


Again, no such hard and fast rule. Ranging from 256GB of storage, anything bigger and better is what all you need, for programming, etc.

Is A Dedicated Video Card Needed for Programming?

Not literally. Until and unless you are not much into binge-watching, casual gaming, or any other such screen-intimate and pixel-sensitive things.

But, if you are, let's say, into any of these aforementioned things, the CPUs in the latest laptops are quite powerful to make up with all your such demands too.

Specs and Configurations of An Alright Gaming Laptop

Let's not talk about those elite-class gaming laptops. If you even look at the fine print of a normal gaming laptop, here's what set of specs it carries.

  • A graded, latest generation, i8 or i9 processor. There isn't anything like an i7-level or inferior CPU in a gaming laptop.
  • 8GB RAM is the least possible memory for these machines. Normally, you'll find a gaming laptop boasting 16GB of RAM. Or, if it has 8GB soldered RAM, there'll be one or two empty slots for some heaviest upgrades.
  • And, a 500GB SSD is no wonder here. Even a basic-level gaming laptop comes with up to 500GB of storage. The thing can get to TBs in the cream class.
  • Gaming laptops always come packed with dedicated graphics cards. Which, again, you just don't need for the likes of programming tasks.

Are Gaming Laptops Good for Programming?

Looking at and comparing both the things i.e. what specs are needed for programming and what specs do a gaming laptop packs, it is a clear-cut Yes.

Gaming Laptops Are More Than Good for All This

It is obvious and evident that the gaming laptops are crammed with much more powers and vigor than what you, at best, need for all these programming tasks and burdens.

Where, on one side, you can be even better off with some mild and simple hardware and software configurations for programming, etc. a gaming laptop offers you much more than that.

When You Ought to Go for A Gaming Laptop for Programming Like Works?

Well, you never necessarily need to get a gaming laptop for all this. Until and unless you are a part-time gaming aficionado too.

If that is the case, you will definitely need a well-set gaming laptop. So that it could easily atone for your work as well as your ceaseless vigorous gaming as well.

If, say, you are only into some casual gaming, you'd be well-heeled with a (normal) mid-range gaming laptop even. So when you get worn out of doing all those intricate things, you just sit back, launch your darling game, and get relaxed.

Some Downsides of Gaming Laptops – When Should You Not Go for a Gaming Laptop?

Gaming laptops are unquestionably power-packed machines. But, there are some cons of having them as well. So let me discuss what are those NOs to "are gaming laptops good for programming?".

#1. They Have Sour Price Tags

As already mentioned, you don't necessarily need a gaming laptop for programming, etc. But, if you want to get one, you would need to be generous in frittering bucks.

Gaming laptops always hold higher price tags as compared to their same-class non-gaming pals. So, if you are a student or anyone with a cramped budget, you must never try this experiment.

Just go with a standard non-gaming laptop keeping all those required (for programming) specs in mind and go winning.

#2. They Have Poor Batteries

For an office worker who needs a 7 to 8hr one-charge battery stand so that he could make up for the whole working day. Or for a student who also needs something like that while he is on campus. A gaming laptop can never fill the bill for both.

Unless and until your laptop use is confined to home or someplace where you have all the power backup setup, you'd always stay vexed having one of these laptops. And the sole reason is their poor battery performance.

You will be hard-pressed to get a one-charge battery stand of more than 4 or max 5 hours. And that's why it is something entirely not in parity with, perhaps, an office worker or a student.

#3. Bulky Beings

Gaming laptops, except for a very few of them, are literally hard to pack and port, unlike normal non-gaming laptops. They are usually shoulder-crushing heavy. That's why, again, you would most often need to stay at one place while on it.

Some Other Disadvantages

A few other disadvantages of gaming laptops, which may not much relate to you include.

  • They are comparatively so bad at heat and noise management. When you throw it with a few unusual loads, you immediately feel like your laptop is boiling. Add some intolerable roars and clatters to the list too.
  • Gaming laptops often appear not so office-friendly or professional. They come with some unusual glints, glares, and form factors. It will make you feel odd while in office or school/college, etc.

Final Thoughts – Are Gaming Laptops Good for Programming?

In conclusion, gaming laptops are better than good for all sorts of programming things. No matter whether you are just an entry-level nerd or a pro-level programmer, if you get a gaming laptop for your work, you've almost futureproofed yourself in the field.

Though, there are a few things that you should need to pre-empt beforehand. Because it is not something fatal and decided that you cannot win at programming without a gaming laptop.

So, go up and give it a read because this article covers every single thing that you may need to know.

Are Gaming Laptops Good For Coding


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